
Useful contacts

The first people you can talk to are the service’s professionals that welcome you. In case of trouble, the Commission Des Usagers (CDU) or the associations d’usagers can help you go through your process.

The Commission des Usagers

A (CDU) is present in each facility. It has two principal missions:

  • To ensure that your rights are respected;
  • To participate to the healthcare’s quality improvement and to the improvement of our services with you and your relatives.

If you want to propose suggestions, we recommend that you contact directly the unit’s manager.

If this doesn’t provide you satisfaction, you can :

  • Ask to meet the CDU’s head;
  • Send a letter to the management with your contact details.

You are given a response after the study of your observation. A mediation with one of the CDU’s representatives can be proposed to you if you don’t obtain satisfaction.

CDU’s members are regularly informed of your letters, your thanks or complaints, as well as your opinion about your stay. You can let us know your opinion thanks to the survey handed during your stay or at the end of it.

The CDU’s composition is displayed within each unit.

The associations d’usagers

The psychiatry services’ associations d’usagers propose listening, advice and meetings to people directly affected by mental disorders (patients or relatives). Representatives of these associations are present at the supervisory boards of the facilities and participate to others projects (quality, HAS certification…). They are fully committed members of the CDU.

The associations present at the supervisory boards and in the facilities’ CDUs are:

FNAPSY Fédération Nationale des Patients en Psychiatrie

33 rue Daviel – 75013 Paris

Phone: +33 1 43 64 85 42 – www.fnapsy.org

UNAFAM Union Nationale des Familles et Amis des Malades Psychiques

101 avenue de Clichy – 75017 Paris

Phone: +33 1 45 20 63 13 – www.unafam.org

Other associations are involved within the mental healthcare field. 

Sainte-Anne hospital’s Maison des Usagers

Sainte-Anne hospital’s Maison des Usagers is a mutual aid and support center for patients, relatives and caregivers. It responds to the concerns of everyone in terms of health information. Duty periods are organized each week.

Contact: Helen JAGERS – Responasble and the volunteers

Phone: +33 1 45 65 74 79 / +33 1 45 65 74 85 / +33 1 45 65 72 04

Centre Hospitalier Sainte-Anne, Maison des Usagers

1 rue Cabanis – 75674 Paris Cedex 14


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