A Hospital Group strategy dedicated to Parisians’ mental health today and tomorrow
On the first of January 2019, Sainte-Anne, Maison Blanche and Perray-Vaucluse hospitals have merged into the University Hospital Group – Paris (Psychiatry & neurosciences), “GHU Paris” in french.
These 3 hospitals have been working closely together over the past years, defining a common medical strategy, designing a territorial framework of care for the capital and establishing a joint leadership. The creation of a new institution concludes a wellmatured cooperation, aiming at becoming the first care player in Paris for mental and brain diseases.
The “GHU Paris” will employ 5,600 healthcare professionals, including 600 doctors, with a 380 M€ budget. Its creation has been ratified by the Regional Healthcare Agency (ARS) and was supported by Paris’ City Council.
Overall, 60,000 Parisians seek assistance from the GHU Paris. The historical intricacy of psychiatric and neurosciences specialties, within the same hospital, is an important asset of this new GHU, thanks to Sainte-Anne legacy.
With 9 university departments, GHU Paris will foster three overlapping activities (clinical practice, education and research) which constitute the basis for innovative practices.
The GHU Paris, it’s :
- 74 420 patients treated last year, that is to say an average of 1 Parisian out of 40 who needs the mental healthcare services of the GHu Paris – psychiatry and neurosciences;
- 130 structures spread over 70 different locations to ensure next door mental healthcare services to Parisians;
- A mental healthcare package accessible to all Parisians including psychiatry, neurosciences, addiction, medico-social…
- An alliance between psychiatry and neurosciences enabling a both historical and innovative bridge between mental disorders and nervous system pathologies;
- A unique university and medical center treating all brain-related illnesses with a dedicated technical platform;
- A prestigious scientific and academic integration (COMUE Paris Sorbonne Cité, Inserm, Psychiatry and Neurosciences Center, research laboratory and an epidemiology unit);
- A cooperation between the health, social and medico-social fields: the Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux of Paris and particularly its Emergency Departments where psychiatric care is given by GHU Paris – Psychiatry and Neurosciences’ professionals, the City Council, associations, General Practitioners, the Ministry of National Education, private psychiatrists, social workers…
- A joint leadership between the three founding hospitals: Sainte-Anne, Perray-Vaucluse and Maison-Blanche
The GHU Paris – psychiatry and neurosciences, which brings together the hospitals Sainte-Anne, Maison-Blanche and Perray-Vaucluse, confirms its excellent positioning in the 2016 rankings, firstly in the field of depression. Indeed, the Sainte-Anne Hospital and the Maison-Blanche Hospital occupy the first and second place. Sainte-Anne Hospital and Maison-Blanche come respectively in 1st and 4th position among more than 350 hospitals concerning the treatment of schizophrenia. As for anorexia and bulimia, Sainte-Anne Hospital is ranked second in hospitals that treat eating disorders’ national leaderboard.
Our strategic framework
- Improving patients’ coordinated circuit, in accordance with regional and territorial mental healthcare planning;
- Adjusting Paris’ sectors organization* to its inhabitants ways of life, focusing on convenient care;
- Expanding the research network, based, among others, on epidemiology, and a structured research plan in close collaboration with Descartes and Diderot universities;
- Increasing the cross fertilization and pooling of skills and resources.
A healthcare group strategy
An efficiency strategy
You can find more about our mental healthcare package in this summarizing guide
The GHU Paris – psychiatry and neurosciences members’
MAISON BLANCHE HOSPITAL : A laboratory for urban care
Catchment area : 8th, 9th, 10th, 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th districts, this is to say 880 140 inhabitants.
13 psychiatry sectors for adults and 5 psychiatry inter-sectors for children and teenagers
1 Center specialized in the treatment of addictions: « La Terrasse »
1 Long Term Care Unit: « La Roseraie »
1 Research Laboratory
Presence within 3 Emergencies Departments (Bichat Hospital, Tenon Hospital, Lariboisière Hospital)
More than 1 100 beds
70 outpatient structures and 8 hospitalization sites
2 600 employees including 200 physicians
1 institute that counts more than 1 100 students
SAINTE-ANNE HOSPITAL : An epitome of the neurosciences and psychiatry alliance
Catchment area : 5th, 6th, 7th, 14th, 15th and 16th districts, this is to say 707 400 inhabitants
8 adult care sectors
3 childcare sectors
10 teaching departments
1 ex-offenders consultation
1 Regionalized ER Platform : le Centre Psychiatrique d’Orientation et d’Accueil (CPOA)
1 Neurosciences University Department : Neuro Sainte-Anne, which includes 8 services (Neurology, Neurosurgery, Neuropathology, Neurophysiology, Neuro-Anaesthesia & Critical care, Diagnostical Neuroimaging, Post-Intensive-Care Rehabilitation Unit, Aftercare and Rehabilitation)
1 Department dedicated to Mental Health and Social Exclusion
1 leading site in research (one DRCI unit, one INSERM unit, headquarters of the psychiatry and neurosciences research center)
800 beds and places, 24 convenient care facilities spread over the city
2 400 employees including 250 physicians
3 different teaching institutes: a Nurses Institute, an Executive Nurses Institute and an Assistant Nurses Institute
PERRAY-VAUCLUSEHOSPITAL : Expert of the health and medico-social care continuum
One single site grouping:
2 long term care units
2 medico-social facilities
40 beds and 156 places of medico-social accommodation
A 300-places teaching institute for Nurses
Partner institutions
SAINT MAURICE HOSPITALS : Rooted in Paris historic city
Catchment area : 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 11th and 12th districts, this is to say 377 000 inhabitants
3 Psychiatric Adult Care Sectors and 2 Psychiatric Childcare Sectors in Paris
276 beds in psychiatry divided into 40 diversified structures
2 200 employees and 200 physicians
Only Parisian based facilities of Saint Maurice Hospitals’ are involved in the partnership with the GHU Paris – psychiatry and neurosciences.
MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION 13th DISTRICT (ASM13) : Birth of the psychiatric sector organization
1 district: the 13th where 185 000 people live
1 psychiatry sector for both adults and children
1 Specialized Care Home
1 Teaching, Research and Publication Department
1 Psychosomatic Institute
215 beds divided into 23 diversified structures
950 employees and 90 physicians
*In psychiatry, all of French departments are split into geographical areas called « sectors» (each one assuming mental healthcare services for an average of 70 000 inhabitants). In each sector, a dedicated team delivers all the psychiatric care, the prevention and the social reinsertion to all the inhabitants of the area. In other words, depending on the living area, a mental healthcare team is available next to the patient’s home, if need be.