A catchment area representing 2 200 000 Parisians
60 000 patients treated last year, i.e. 1 Parisian out of 40
170 structures spread over 94 different locations catching 29 psychiatry sectors for adults, teenagers and children in the Parisian area
95% of the patients receive ambulatory care within the Centres Médico-Psychologiques (CMP) or in the Centres d’Activité Thérapeutique à Temps Partiel (CATTP)
12 500 patients hospitalized each year
9 200 hospitalizations in neurosciences
1 200 interventions in the operating room
1 200 strokes care given
18 600 neurosciences consultations
13 500 MRIs
More than 6 000 patients received care for an addiction problem
Medico-social care
5 medico-social structures receiving more than 300 people each year
Resources at our patients’ service5 600 employees depending of the joint leadership of Sainte-Anne hospital, Maison-Blanche hospital and Perray-Vaucluse hospital, including 600 physicians
A combined budget of €380M
90 000 m² cleaned surfaces
1 000 tons of laundry
18 000 sanitary transportations
1.4 million meals served